Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mimi visits....

Well Bambino's due date has arrived....and I have a feeling that it will come and go - with a few days added.  Surprisingly, I am feeling OK about it.  He will come when he is ready although the little 'phantom' pains are definitely keeping me on my toes and constantly wondering 'Is this it?'.

My mama is out to visit today and will be staying for a few nights.  I always try to be the 'independent' one who reassures her that "I'm fine" and to not worry.  But a few days ago after a long day with Macie, I asked her to come and stay - and thankfully she jumped at the chance.  The husbo will be back harvesting today, so it will be nice to have the company and the help.  Chasing after a very determined and increasingly naughty 2 year old at full-term is starting to prove to be a challenge!!

We are so lucky to have fantastic family who are so willing to drop everything at a moments notice for us.  Heath's mum has been keeping her phone religiously on her hip waiting for 'the phonecall' incase she has to race up to look after Macie while we head to the hospital!  My sister texts religiously every morning & afternoon to 'check' on me and Heath's sister is dying of anticipation for the little bambinos arrival!!   It's nice to know that we have the support and love that families so selflessly hand out.  I looked at my phone yesterday to have 13 missed calls and texts from friends.....that's pretty special!  And just for the record...I'm not ignoring you....I made the fatal mistake of downloading new apps for Macie on my phone and have not seen it since!!

Now I am off to keep Macie entertained until Mimi arrives.....she woke us up this morning by going to the fridge, grabbing the egg carton and proceeding to crack the shells (thankfully the used ones) until Heath realised what that noise was!!!!!  I am happy to report that my hormones made me laugh at the situation....if it was yesterday, I would have sat on the floor and cried for a good 5 minutes about it. 

But as they say....the day is only new! 

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